
7 July 2023

SINGAPORE, 7 JULY, 2023 – Rising Singaporean rapper J.M3 (pronounced as Jamie) announces the release of her brand-new bilingual track “Tap Out!” that is exclusively available on the official motion picture soundtrack for JOY RIDE, a new comedy from Lionsgate directed by Adele Lim. The film premiered this spring at SXSW to rave reviews and is screening in all Golden Village theaters since July 6th in Singapore. Released on Warner Music Group’s Rhino Records, the soundtrack is now available worldwide on all digital platforms for streaming or download from today. 

Since her debut major label single “Hot Sauce” released a year ago, J.M3 has undergone rapid evolution and taken the music scene by storm with her strong spirit of self-empowerment, witty bilingual rhymes, and explosive live performances. Other that being featured as one of Live Nation’s Ones to Watch in 2022, J.M3 proved her mettle with her collab cypher with adidas as the only female rapper featured on the brand’s NMD campaign in Singapore. Last November, “Hot Sauce” was also being featured on season 3 of CW’s series, Kung Fu

In the live performance space, J.M3 kicked off the year with her performance at the nation’s countdown event televised by MediaCorp and was once again, the only featured female rapper on the hip-hop ensemble show Sin Ma Hui curated by famed local rapper Shigga Shay at this year’s Huayi, Chinese Festival of Arts 2023. 

On May 19th this year, J.M3 released her debut 5-track EP, 180 Athena, which features the collab track “X” with Taiwanese pop artist, KIRE. To promote the EP, J.M3 took a whirlwind two-week Taipei promotional press tour in June to build her fast-rising artist profile across the borders. 

Says J.M3, “‘Tap Out!’ is a track that one puts on to psych your confidence up to take on anything that comes your way. It's the champion mindset - you are greater than you think you are. 

Being a part of the Joy Ride soundtrack is a great deal to me and such an honor. It has such a strong female cast in front of and behind the scenes, and I feel incredibly proud to see females and Asian creatives being spotlighted. There is a lot to celebrate, and we are just getting started!” 


A post shared by J.M3 刘宣怡 (@jm3usic)

As one of many firsts, other than being featured on a Hollywood soundtrack, J.M3 also sees “Tap Out!” being featured in a hilarious club scene featuring cast members Ashley Park, Sherry Cola and Ronny Chieng in the movie. 

Currently, J.M3 is in the studios working on the official theme song for Affyn (a prominent Singapore-based Web3 company)’s new mobile game, Buddy Arena. The song is penciled for release later in the year and more details will be revealed in the coming months.

新加坡说唱女声J.M3刘宣怡以超燃唱作实力获得极高关注,自去年出道以来不断刷新个人纪录,继早前以本地超强“声”力军之姿登上新加坡音乐节Music Matters“Ones To Watch”舞台,其独特音乐魅力也深获知名运动品牌adidas青睐,邀请J.M3与其他杰出本地歌手一起进行Cypher饶舌接力轮唱。 

今年5月,J.M3化身“嘻哈雅典娜”发行首张全创作EP《180: Athena》,与台湾性感时尚音乐人KIRE凯尔强强联手炸出态度满满的单曲《X》,更于6月赴台北展开两星期的宣传之旅。 

而这个7月,J.M3在出道满一周年之际解锁最新成就,全亚裔主演阵容的好莱坞电影《Joy Ride》(新加坡中文片名《疯狂闺蜜》)完美收录J.M3全新创作单曲《Tap Out!》,从签约成为华纳音乐旗下歌手到一年后有份参与好莱坞电影原声带,一步一脚印的J.M3可谓收获满满。 

作品备受好莱坞青睐 再度“美”梦成真 

作为新加坡屈指可数的说唱女声,J.M3自在游走于中英双语之间,以超燃强悍的唱作实力快速崛起。J.M3自出道以来,不断自我强化内在力量的核心精神始终不变,去年7月8日发行的出道单曲《Hot Sauce》更是获得好莱坞青睐,去年11月被 动作美剧《Kung Fu》第三季采用为背景音乐,以这首魔性舞曲掀开音乐版图首波美国惊喜篇章。 

这一年J.M3以惊人速度飞快进化成长,“J式主张”迎来终极爆发,获邀为以美国亚裔女性为题材的好莱坞电影原声带《Joy Ride》创作献声,全新单曲《Tap Out!》呼应公路影片风格,无论是电影或歌曲都完美体现Z世代女生酷飒魅力,亦让J.M3再度“美”梦成真。 

亚洲说唱女力齐发 为四大亚裔女主角献声助攻 

爆笑公路喜剧电影《Joy Ride》由好莱坞夯片《Crazy Rich Asians》共同编剧Adele Lim自编自导,亦是她的导演处女作。电影讲述被美国家庭收养,在当地生活长大的亚裔女孩Audrey与好友Lolo、前室友Kat、Lolo的古怪表姐Deadeye,四位个性迥异的亚裔女生踏上中国寻亲冒险之旅,一路闹出不少笑话。四大亚裔女主角分别为凭人气影集《Emily in Paris》爆红的Ashley Park、凭借《Everything Everywhere All at Once》入围奥斯卡最佳

女配角的Stephanie Hsu、在美剧《Good Trouble》饰演女主角Alice的Sherry Cola,以及喜剧演员Sabrina Wu。 

集结多位华纳音乐旗下优秀歌手的电影原声带完美呈现这个关于女性友谊、亚裔身份和寻找自我的故事,分别来自中国、台湾、印度尼西亚的亚洲嘻哈女声VaVa、Dizzy Dizzo 蔡诗芸、Ramengvrl也齐齐献声。作为新加坡代表的J.M3以力量系魔性单曲《Tap Out!》唱出属于自己的态度,编曲同时融入中国风元素,极具巧思。 

J.M3才刚结束首张创作EP《180: Athena》台北宣传之旅,返新不久即紧锣密鼓为《Joy Ride》电影原声带展开宣传。行程满档的J.M3接下来将于年底发行为Web3游戏公司Affyn新游戏所创作献声的全新单曲,届时她还将在游戏预告中化身主角,为乐迷打造身临其境的视听体验,敬请期待!