
9 September 2022

SINGAPORE, SEPTEMER 9, 2022 – Hot on the heels of her debut Warner single “Hot Sauce”released in earlier in July, rising Singaporean bilingual multi-hyphenate J.M3 (pronounced as Jamie) returns with a refreshing melodic approach with the new track, “Castle”, available worldwide on all digital streaming platforms today under Warner Music Singapore (WMS).

Compared to the fiery and explosive sonic attack of “Hot Sauce,” “Castle” is introspective in nature. This shift in musical approach not only shows the versatility of J.M3, it also alludes to the evolving nature of rap from the artist’s perspective.

Explains J.M3, “Be it the feistier and dance laden vibe of ‘Hot Sauce’ or choosing to go with something more melodic and mellow for this new track, it was always how I see introducing the use of rap in more varied and palatable ways to more people. In the same way that life is never one feeling or one taste, the music shifts between sounds and styles to reflect the complex external and internal emotions. Nevertheless, even playing with more varied sounds, the underlying themes of self-sufficiency and self-validation are consistent and present across which would all culminate in the forthcoming EP.”

And J.M3 perfectly surmised the theme of this single, “If ‘Hot Sauce’ is an exclamation then ‘Castle’ represents the fact that ‘you don’t need to be loud to be heard’. This song is a more introspective look at the inner warrior mentality that we all have. I feel like we needed to include a song like that because people always feel like they are not loud enough to be heard but often they are not yet first heard by themselves.”

J.M3 first made a splash in the local music scene when she joined her fellow Top 10  SingVoice 2021 finalists Soph T. and Yokez as the fresh batch of artists to be signed under WMS’ Mandopop roster earlier this year. Since then, J.M3 has released her debut label single, “Hot Sauce” in July, establishing herself as a hybrid all-rounder (rapper, songwriter, dancer, actress) with bilingual alt-pop-rap swagger.

J.M3 is currently preparing for a series of live shows in the coming months and will be working towards her debut EP, due out early 2023.

“Castle” is now available on all digital streaming platforms at

火世代说唱女力震撼来袭,新加坡华纳音乐重点新人之一 J.M3刘宣怡继首波超燃单曲《Hot Sauce》后,以“嘻哈雅典娜”之姿火速回归,带来震撼灵魂深处的最新创作单曲《我的城堡》,以柔克刚无所畏惧,颠覆你对嘻哈饶舌的认知。

如果说魔性旋律超洗脑的首波单曲《Hot Sauce》是一句惊叹号,那么《我的城堡》绝对是热闹狂欢后的一种沉淀。说起城堡,一般人会联想到等待骑士拯救的公主,然而在J.M3(念Jamie)的眼里,她的城堡象征着自我强大,在这里她可以无所畏惧,任凭想象力恣意飞翔,为自己而战!

雅典娜是希腊神话中的智慧女神,也是艺术女神和正义女神,如同“雅典娜的化身是我们”这段歌词所唱道,J.M3化身为脉搏如火的战神,透过这首由她词曲创作的全新中文单曲表达出不断自我强化的内在力量,并与擅长电音舞曲、电子流行曲风的本地杰出音乐制作人Jaydos继《Hot Sauce》后“双J”二度合作,再次展现神默契。





身处乱世不乱于心,我们正需要这样的一首歌,跟自己内心的战士对话。除了这层精神意义,《我的城堡》对J.M3也有着另一层特别的意义。以英文独立歌手身份出发,近年为了挑战自己而跨界中文领域的她,继首支中文创作曲《雷敌Lady》和中英混唱的《Hot Sauce》后,再度交出了一首全中文作品《我的城堡》。



与《Hot Sauce》强劲唱跳氛围相比,《我的城堡》曲风偏慢板抒情,情绪却是饱满浓烈的,呈现出一股绝妙的反差。J.M3希望能以更多元化的方式来呈现说唱,就像生活,日复一日重复着相同口味和节奏,未免太单调。在这座音乐城堡里,唯一不变的是:自我肯定、展现自信的核心精神。

